Tuesday, February 17, 1998 at 08:26:45

As a speech pathology major... I found this particular site very interesting.  I received a good amount of information that will come in handy for any future fluency clients that I may come across.  Thanks, and I hope to find more pages concerning this topic soon.

- SM

I'm glad you found some good information.  By the way, since speech pathology is your major, I particularly recommend the following reference.  I found this text really helped to bridge the gap between speech pathology and linguistics (the latter is more of my focus).

Dalton, P. & W. J. Hardcastle.  (1977).  Disorders of Fluency and their Effects on Communication.  London:  Edward Arnold, Ltd.

(third in a series entitled, "Studies in langauge disability and remediation")

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Last Revised: 99/08/26

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