The Filled Pause Research Center is a web-based
virtual study hall designed both to support and report progress on my research into the
type of hesitation phenomena in human speech known as 'filled pauses'. It is my goal to
keep this site up-to-date with information I uncover as well as include whatever
information, links, and anecdotes you, the reader, may contribute. If you have ever given
a second thought as to why human speech is filled with uhs and ums, then
there is definitely something in this site for you. |
So, uh, What's
New at the FPRC!
"Uh, what
do you mean by, uh..., 'filled pauses'?" |
"Why do, um,
people use filled pauses?" |
why are you so, uh, interested in filled pauses?" |
what, um, is your angle in your, uh, dissertation about filled pauses?" |
um, are your sources of, uh, information about filled pauses?" |
"Where can
I, uh, learn more about filled pauses on the, uh, web?" |
"Um, who
are you?" |
Where can I send feedback
about this site? |