Thursday, February 19, 1998 at 09:48:05

I am particularly interested in the discussion of usage by women.  I am interested in a variety of areas, one of which is Women's Psychology...thus the important connection!   As I am still trying to narrow my interests & get myself geared up for a doctoral program I thought I should at least ask into this interesting area.  I wonder if there is much psychological literature on this phenonmenon or perhaps if with the changing role of women that this phenonmenon has decreased in occurrence?????

- KC

I believe the reference on my web site (Eakins, B. & R. Eakins.  1978.   Sex Differences in Human Communication.  Boston:  Houghton Mifflin.) is a little dated.  I think your suggestion that the vast social changes of the last two decades may have leveled this out is worth testing (a future paper?) and will probably be borne out.  Interestingly, though, in my current research I interviewed, recorded, and transcribed the speech of four subjects including two women.  It turns out that the women *did* use more FPs, especially when they were being somewhat more assertive.   However, it is also important to note that both were reared before the 1960's.

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